GARO wallbox
GARO Wallbox
- Make sure that your wallbox is switched on.
- Check the serial number/SSID and the password on the label on the wallbox’s sliding hatch. If the hatch is locked, unlock it with the accompanying key.
- Note the serial number/SSID and the password for future reference.
- Find the wallbox’s SSID name in the list of wireless networks that appears on your phone, tablet or computer.
- Connect to the wallbox’s wireless network and enter the password.
- Open your device’s web browser. The wallbox’s web interface should appear automatically. If not, enter chargebox.garo.se in the address bar.
- Refer to your manual.
GARO Wallbox
- Make sure that your wallbox is switched on.
- Check the serial number/SSID and the password on the label on the wallbox’s sliding hatch. If the hatch is locked, unlock it with the accompanying key.
- Note the serial number/SSID and the password for future reference.
- Find the wallbox’s SSID name in the list of wireless networks that appears on your phone, tablet or computer.
- Connect to the wallbox’s wireless network and enter the password.
- Open your device’s web browser. The wallbox’s web interface should appear automatically. If not, enter the following in the address bar:
GARO Wallbox+
As an end user, you cannot log in to the box. Contact or log in via your backend provider.
GARO Wallbox
You can update your wallbox via the interface in the charger. Log in to your charger and select update. The charger must be connected to the internet to download the latest software. If the wallbox is not connected to the internet, there is a manual on how to proceed.
GARO Wallbox+
Contact your electrician or your backend provider.
GARO Wallbox
If you find that the fuses keep tripping during charging, it is important that your electrician double checks everything to ensure that your wallbox is correctly set up for your main fuse and, if applicable, the main fuse for the entire building. Contact your electrician.
GARO Wallbox+
Contact your backend provider, who can help you to alter your wallbox settings to match the specifics of your building. (The wallbox is delivered from the factory preconfigured to order)
Load balancing is a method for preventing the main fuse from tripping when several cars are being charged at the same time that much power is being used elsewhere in the building.
GARO Wallboxes
Our wallboxes offer this function as standard. All that needs to be done is to add an energy meter to the distribution board, with the meter connected to the wallboxes via a bus cable. Contact your nearest electrician for help with the installation.
Contact your electrician or reseller, who will help you to determine the cause of the problem. If you have a service agreement, contact your service provider.
A Wi-Fi card enables you to update your charger as well as connect it to your home network. When new cars come to market, they feature many updates, which means that you need to update your charger. By updating your software, you future proof your charging station.
If several GARO Wallboxes are installed in a cluster, only the master wallbox needs a Wi-Fi card.
If your box is connected to your home network, you can easily log in via chargebox.garo.se. You can find more information in the manual for your wallbox.
Yes, you can change to a fixed cable, but you will need to get your electrician to help you.
With one or more GARO wallboxes connected to G-Cloud, you gain a combined metering service with data that can be broken down by user, charging station and period. This is something that will increase the attractiveness of the building and enable fair billing with detailed specifications on rent invoices.